Month: February 2015

  • News and Analysis (2/27/15)

    Mostly unidentified sources claim to know who is the brutal and barbaric voice of IS with the British accent, but there is disagreement as to whether the well-to do Kuwaiti was radicalized by sympathy for Somalia militants or by harassment by MI5: ‘Jihadi John’: Islamic State Killer Is Identified as Londoner Mohammed Emwazi (Washington Post) Jihadi John:…

  • News and Analysis (2/25/15)

    “Among its lost collections were manuscripts from the [18th] century, Syriac books printed in Iraq’s first printing house in the [19th] century, books from the Ottoman era, Iraqi newspapers from the early [20th] century and some old antiques like an astrolabe and sand glass used by ancient Arabs”: ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul (Fiscal…

  • News and Analysis (2/23/15)

    A local Jewish leader at the event called the Muslim “show of support for Norway’s tiny Jewish community … incredibly uplifting,” and is “upset” that Islamophobic propaganda outlets denied the fact that the  1200 people protesting anti-Jewish violence were “overwhelmingly Muslim”: Was the Muslim ‘Ring of Peace’ Around the Norway Synagogue Really an MSM ‘Hoax’?…

  • News and Analysis (2/21/15)

    Humorist Bassem Youssef has a surprising recommendation for how the US can help solve the crises in the Middle East: Do Nothing! … The Daily Show – An Egyptian Satirist in America – Bassem Youssef (Comedy Central) … and policy wonk Graham Fuller reached a similar conclusion, calling on Washington to end “the actions that…

  • Tasnim News Interviews Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad on the Chapel Hill Killings

    [Original English Text of Tasnim News interview with Minaret of Freedom Institute President Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad] Q. What is your own personal take on the Chapel Hill killings? Do you believe the initial police suspicion that it was rooted simply in a parking dispute? A. While it may be true that the trigger for the murders…

  • News and Analysis (2/19/15)

    Violence against women evokes no outrage when the victims are Muslims: 80% of Anti-Muslim Attacks in France Against Women, Says Report (Newsweek) “[T]he leader of Oslo’s Jewish community at first said that he would support the event only if at least 30 Muslims promised to attend – nearly 800 people have said they will attend…

  • News and Analysis (2/17/15)

    IS’s exploitation of NATO’s unraveling of the Libya leads to slaughter of Christians, an Egyptian invasion, and a call for more intervention … Libya’s Arab Spring: the Revolution that Ate Its Children (Guardian) Islamic State Beheads 21 Christians in Libya on Film, Signaling Major Expansion (Christian Science Monitor) Battle Against Islamic State Expands as Egypt…

  • News and Analysis (2/15/15)

    “There are so many different people from so many different places, … backgrounds and religions. But here we’re all one. It’s beautiful to see. People of different areas interacting and being family, one community.” Obama has denounced the murders and the FBI will investigate if federal law applies … Chapel Hill Muslim Shooting Victim Said She…

  • News and Analysis (2/12/15)

    The fatal shooting of three Muslim students in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Tuesday afternoon has prompted uproar around the world … Worldwide Social Media Outrage After Muslim Students Killed In North Carolina (Huffington Post) … mourners “held candles, while students from the school of dentistry – where Barakat was studying, and where his wife was…

  • A Muslim Libertarian Defends of Freedom of Expression

    The murderous attack on Charlie Hebdo was an embarrassment to all Muslims and the strong condemnation of the attack by Muslims around the world is a reflection of the fact most Muslims realize this. Freedom of speech is not incompatible with Islamic values, and I am a believing Muslim who does not compromise on this…

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