Month: December 2015

  • News and Analysis (12/30/15)

    “While 82 percent of Americans say that it’s extremely or very important that Christians be allowed to freely practice their religion in the United States, just 61 percent say the same for Muslims. [72%] say religious freedom is important for Jews, and … 63 percent say it’s important to protect the freedoms of people with…

  • News and Analysis (12/27/15)

    “Another way of thinking about it is Christianity had a seven-century head-start on Islam, and Islam is finally catching up” — Alan Cooperman, Pew director of religion research: A Religious Forecast for 2050: Atheism Is Down, Islam Is Rising (NPR) The air strike killing of the rebel leader who had promised the evacuation convoy safe passage…

  • News and Analysis (12/24/15)

    “[A] three-year study, based on in-depth interviews with civically or politically active Muslim citizens in Australia and Europe” finds the majority “highlighted that their Islamic faith has been a key motivator for their civic engagement, both within and beyond Muslim community”: Muslims ‘Radicalised’ into Active Citizenship: The Untold Story (ABC Religion and Ethics) The impersonal…

  • News and Analysis (12/22/15)

    “[S]ome of the Muslim passengers gave non-Muslims head scarfs to try and conceal their identities” and “a brave Muslim man fooled the attackers by saying that a truck full of police officers that was escorting bus was not far behind” … Muslims Protect Non-Muslims During Kenya Islamist Attack (Christian Science Monitor) … while in the…

  • News and Analysis (12/20/15)

    After their bombing of Libya destabilized the country into warring factions and opened the door for ISIS, the West’s first suggestion to the uncertainly reconciled factions is to allow more bombing: Western Leaders Urge Libyan Factions to Allow Bombing of Isis Fighters (Guardian) “Iraq’s defense minister says he has launched an investigation into the killing of 10…

  • News and Analysis (12/17/15)

    Remember the Christian teacher at a Christian school teaching Christian love for Muslims? Well, “she was called into the provost’s office on Tuesday and told she was under administrative review and placed on administrative leave until the end of the spring semester” … Suspended Wheaton College Professor ‘Standing Up’ with Muslim Neighbors (Chicago Sun Times)…

  • The Inherent Link Between Islam and Liberty

    The Inherent Link Between Islam and Liberty by Eva Forslund [reprinted from the Foreign Affairs Association of Uppsala’s Uttryck Magazine (2015 #3)] Washington DC is a vibrant city. Throughout it, there are think tanks and organizations promoting literally any cause you can imagine. One of these is the Minaret of Freedom Institute (MFI), an Islamic libertarian…

  • News and Analysis (12/15/15)

    “[T]he United States is dropping bombs faster than it can replenish them.” Whether the addition of Saudi Arabia and some thirty plus other Muslim majority countries (including the Palestinians) “amounts to any real change in fighting ISIS remains to be seen” … Muslim Nations Form Coalition to Fight Terror, Call Islamic Extremism ‘Disease’ (CNN) ……

  • News and Analysis (12/13/15)

    Despite being held at Guantanamo for eight years after charges were dropped so that he is a stranger to his own children and being subjugated to abuse in detention, Aamer still denounces terrorism: Shaker Aamer: Extremists ‘Have No Right to Live in the UK’ (BBC) Violence against Muslims continues: Court to Decide Whether Islam-Education Order Went…

  • News and Analysis (12/11/15)

    “Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg. A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform. A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field. A Muslim surgeon … saved my life” … Amputee Soldier’s Heartfelt Muslim Facebook Post Goes Viral (CNN) ……

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