Month: April 2021

  • News and Analysis 4/11/21

    The arrest of choreographer Ata Khattab the depth of Israeli fear of Palestinian culture: Threatened  by Cultural Defiance, Israel Throws Dancer in Prison (Electronic Intifada) “Attacks against Muslims are attacks against the Republic” — Interior Minister Gerard Darmanin, “the main sponsor of legislation passing through parliament which the government says is designed to tackle what…

  • News and Analysis 4/9/21

    Amidst almost daily human rights violations … Israeli Settlers Take Control of Palestinian Property and Land in East Jerusalem (Middle East Eye) … Israel refuses to recognize the authority of the tribunal, which plans to investigate “war crimes in the Palestinian territories”: Israel to Tell ICC It Does Not Recognise Court’s Authority (WHBL) “What we’re…

  • News and Analysis 4/6/2021

    On Monday, Israeli soldiers opened fire on a Palestinian couple, killing the man and wounding his wife with bullets. “They began shooting at us, my husband fell into my lap and was killed”: Israeli Soldiers Kill Palestinian, Wound Wife After Alleged Attack (Haaretz) After indirect talks at Vienna, the U.S and Iran have agreed to…

  • News and Analysis 4/4/21

    Reports state that two groups of settlers beat a Jalud resident with “sticks and rocks”,  to the extent that he required immediate medical attention, then “two Israeli soldiers who reached the scene fired stun grenades at the Jalud residents who came to the Palestinian’s aid”: Settlers Assaulted Palestinian, Israeli Soldiers Dispersed Rescuers, Rights Group Says…

  • News and Analysis 4/2/21

    U.S. and its allies started the “illegal, undeclared, and criminal” war against the Yemen. Now, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken calls on “’all parties’ to allow unhindered import and distribution of food and fuel” even as U.S. naval blockade prevents “food and fuel from reaching those 20 million Yemenis”: Yemen’s Blood Is on US Hands…

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