Month: April 2021

  • News and Analysis 4/29/21

    On Thursday, the US shielded Israel from crimes of apartheid and thus itself for being complicit in those crimes, even denying that Israeli actions constitute apartheid … US Rejects Human Rights Watch’s ‘Israeli Apartheid’ Claim (Algemeiner) … and even as it minimizes the pogroms in Jerusalem: The US Cannot Continue Ignoring Israel’s Crimes in Jerusalem…

  • News and Analysis 4/27/21

    “Hamas and Fatah members caught up in series of Israeli arrests since March say they have been warned not to compete in coming elections”: Palestine Election: Israel’s Wave of Arrests Sweeps Up Palestinians Before Polls (Middle East Eye) A U.S. Senator is demanding John Kerry resign for allegedly sharing the “secret”  that “Israel had attacked…

  • News and Analysis 4/25/21

    As growing incitement from “far-right settlers advocating for the killing of Arabs” as well as “Palestinian anger over police blocking off access to the Al-Aqsa mosque” resulted in severe clashes between Palestinian protestors and Israeli security forces … Israeli Police Clash With Palestinian Protesters in Jerusalem (Al-Jazeera) … the U.N. envoy to the region, Tor…

  • News and Analysis 4/23/21

    On Thursday night, far right Israelis marched through the streets of Jerusalem, as cries of “Death to Arabs, death to terrorists” eventually turned into physical violence, wounding more than “105 Palestinians”: Violent Clashes in Jerusalem After Israeli Far-Right March (Al-Jazeera) “Djabelkhir said he makes the distinction between history and myth in religious writing, but his…

  • News and Analysis 4/21/21

    “[T]he application of law, its reformulation, its suspension, are all malleable instruments in the Indian colonial epistemic and political arsenal” that “is built to criminalise Kashmiri resistance and normalise their oppression”: The Metaphysics of India’s Colonial Project in Kashmir (TRT World) While the United States wishes to reenter the deal, Israeli officials would rather witness…

  • News and Analysis 4/20/21

    Virologist Shahid Jameel credits the eleventh century Muslim physician Ibn Sina (Avicenna) with propagating the “the idea that diseases are spread by microorganisms,” and now Muslim leaders from Mecca to Lucknow are propagating the fact that receiving Covid-19 vaccine during Ramadan does not invalidate the fast: Muslim Clergy Must Spread the Message Loud — Covid…

  • News and Analysis 4/17/21

    Despite checkpoints, restrictions, and Israeli police action sabotage to Al-Aqsa mosque loudspeakers, 70,000 Palestinians managed to make it to the first Friday services in Ramadan: Israel Restricts Entry to Al-Aqsa Mosque For Palestinians on First Friday of Ramadan (Middle East Eye) Mansour al-Shahatit’s “deplorable state after being freed … suffering from memory loss as a…

  • News and Analysis 4/15/21

    The Vienna talks aimed at allowing the US to rejoin the nuclear deal have “fallen into disarray” in the aftermath of an attack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility: Iran’s Supreme Leader: Vienna Offers ‘Not Worth Looking At’ (AP News) Europe buys into and the Taliban reject Biden’s plan for a delayed unconditional troop withdrawal: NATO…

  • News and Analysis 4/13/21

    Israel’s sabotage of Iran threatens regional peace and U.S. diplomacy: EXPLAINER: Iran Atomic Sites Targeted by Diplomacy, Sabotage (AP News) Opinion: Israel’s Relentless Attacks on Iran May Endanger Biden’s Diplomacy (Washington Post) Israel Made ‘Very Bad Gamble’ at Nuclear Plant: Iran (AFP/ Times of India) US Distances Itself from Alleged Attack on Iran’s Nuclear Site…

  • Manufacturing Counter-mythology

    Manufacturing Counter-mythology [This is a preprint of a book review scheduled for publication in the Molinari Review in May 2021] The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain by Darío Fernández-Morera, Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2017, 358 pp., US$29.95. ISBN 161017095-4 (hb). Myths are important. Actual myths…

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