What role did the US played in the arrest of Naji Hamdan, a US citizen who claims he confessed under torture?
- American Muslim’s Case Poses a Test (Washington Post)
Enemies of free speech, including the terrorist JDL, hide behind slanderous accusations of criminality against a good Samaritan:
- Canada Blocks Outspoken British MP (The Star)
- Canada Ban: Galloway Faces His Accusers a Jewish Defense League (JDL) “Terrorist” (YouTube / Channel 4 UK)
The IDF “attacked 34 medical care facilities” and “did not allow the evacuation of injured civilians who were besieged for days at a time and left the civilians without food or water for considerable periods” — Physicians for Human Rights-Israel:
- Israel ‘Violated Medical Ethics’ (Al Jazeera)
Community attempts to address environmental and traffic issues around the expansion of the Islamic Saudi Academy are frustrated by debate over its curriculum:
- Attacks on School’s Teachings Drown Out Traffic Concerns (Washington Post)
A Fatah spokesman in the occupied West Bank told reporters that Kamal Naji had been “assassinated” — but by whom?:
- Lebanon Blast ‘Kills PLO Leader’ (Al Jazeera)
The failed appointment of Freeman may serve as one small step towards an honest discussion in American about the US alliance with Israel:
- The Lobby Falters (London Review of Books)
Attempting to consolidate his influence, Zardari argues that the reinstatement of Chaudhry “could mark the end of a cycle of dictatorship” in Pakistan:
- Zardari Urges Reconciliation (Al Jazeera)
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