Author: Imran
News and Analysis (6/11/10)
“Faced with overwhelming force, without guidance or organization, the dissidents these days cannot agree on their goals, much less mount a significant challenge to the country’s leadership”… A Year After its Rise, Iranian Protest Movement Stymied and in Disarray (Washington Post) … Meanwhile, the Obama Administration quietly prepares for the military containment of Iran as…
News and Analysis (6/10/10)
Examining the implications of Iranian sanctions and the perceived decline of US influence abroad… U.N. Vote on Iran Sanctions Not a Clear-Cut Win for Obama (Washington Post) … Meanwhile, UN sanctions will likely transform Iran’s level of cooperation with the IAEA Iran Threatens to Revise IAEA Ties (Al Jazeera) A kiss is just a kiss?…
News and Analysis (6/9/10)
“[L]iving conditions in Gaza are so bad that by some readings of international law, the legality of the flotilla attack is a moot point….” A legal expert says, “The real need is a focus on the legality of the conditions of people in Gaza” … Never Mind the ‘Freedom Flotilla.’ Is Israel’s Gaza Blockade Legal?…
News and Analysis (6/8/10)
“At least 20 Somali Americans have joined the militia, including an Alabama native whose nom de guerre is Abu Mansoor al-Ameriki” who “has starred in propaganda videos to attract more foreign fighters”: Foreign Fighters Gain Influence in Somalia’s Islamist al-Shabab Militia (Washington Post) With Rafah crossing “used primarily for the passage of persons, not goods,”…
News and Analysis (6/7/10)
“The new information about the manner and intensity of the killings undermines Israel’s insistence that its soldiers opened fire only in self defence and in response to attacks by the activists”: Gaza Flotilla Activists Were Shot in Head at Close Range (Guardian) “Turkey’s leaders have dubbed their foreign policy ‘zero problems with neighbors,” but their…
News and Analysis (6/4/10)
Resembling Bush-era policy, Obama has quietly expanded the use of secret forces in the war against Al-Qaeda to 75 countries worldwide: U.S. ‘Secret War’ Expands Globally as Special Operations Forces Take Larger Role (Washington Post) Israel’s level of media control, as in the case after the invasion of Gaza, may make it impossible to determine…
News and Analysis (6/3/2010)
After parliamentary election irregularities, including one candidate shot by police as he entered a polling place, the Muslim Brotherhood backs ElBaradei’s call for reforms that would allow him to run for president: Egyptian Group to Back ElBaradei (Al Jazeera) Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a senior US official admits a policy shift on the…
News and Analysis (6/2/10)
As Israeli officials pledge “this ship will be stopped as was the case with the other Gaza flotilla ships earlier in the week … SS Rachel Corrie Heading to Israel to Break Gaza Embargo (Yeshiva World News) … a now freed Kuwaiti lawmaker reports “Israelis roughed up and humiliated all of us – women, men…
News and Analysis (6/1/2010)
As Israel attempts to justify its violent attack on the open sea by waging a PR campaign in the face of international outrage… Israel’s Deadly Gaza Flotilla Raid Sparks Diplomatic Crisis (Christian Science Monitor) … Egypt breaks a three-year long agreement to temporarily open the Gaza border… Egypt Lifts its Side of Gaza Blockade for Aid…
News and Analysis (5/31/10)
Victims of the Israeli attack on a ship full of humanitarian aid say they were unarmed, and a video shows no resistance on a Turkish ship against Israeli troops firing immediately after boarding … At Least 10 Die as Israel Halts Aid Flotilla (LA Times) … prompting protests around the world including Turks, Israeli Jews …