News and Analysis (6/1/2010)

As Israel attempts to justify its violent attack on the open sea by waging a PR campaign in the face of international outrage…

… Egypt breaks a three-year long agreement to temporarily open the Gaza border…

… Meanwhile, US officials admit that the Obama Administration’s support for the Gaza blockade is waning and a serious push for a diplomatic solution maybe underway:

“The U.S. has repeatedly captured or killed Al Qaeda members described as the organization’s No. 3 leader since 2001,” but says this one “would be a major blow” and has no comment on the reported deaths of his family members:

An announcement likely to further encourage a fourth round of international sanctions against Iran, that “with further enrichment”:

“With the court’s approval of election results, the president now has 15 days to call the new parliament to convene”:

Not formally charged of any crime, two Christian charity groups deny media allegations of proselytizing in violation of the constitution of Afghanistan:


Minaret of Freedom Institute Program Assistant






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