Victims of the Israeli attack on a ship full of humanitarian aid say they were unarmed, and a video shows no resistance on a Turkish ship against Israeli troops firing immediately after boarding …
- At Least 10 Die as Israel Halts Aid Flotilla (LA Times)
… prompting protests around the world including Turks, Israeli Jews (“No one in the world will believe the lies and excuses which the government and army spokesmen come up withâ€) and Arabs, and even Americans:
- World Condemns Deadly Israeli Ship Attack (Sky News)
Although subsidizing farming has produced results, the strategy ignores the longer-term consequences of a society dependent on unsustainable government handouts:
- In Afghan Region, U.S. Spreads the Cash to Fight the Taliban (Washington Post)
“While the Bush era saw the US … squeezing the defiant few like Syria and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, today’s Middle East sees a power vacuum led by partial US retreat being filled by assertive regional and middle powers”:
- US Hegemony in Middle East is Ending (Guardian)
Diyala is one of the few provinces where the US military still supports Iraqi forces, who are viewed with skepticism:
- Police Infiltrated in Iraq Province (Al Jazeera)
After four years of political isolation, the international community begins to accept Hamas’ role in leading Palestinians:
US is requesting Pakistan provide it with more detailed information on Pakistanis who fly to other countries, an unpopular infringement on citizen’s rights:
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