A “24-year-old Muslim woman has filed a lawsuit against an Ohio jail after Cuyahoga County corrections officers allegedly ordered her to attend Christian prayer services or face solitary confinement”:
“The arrest warrant for Gulen, who lives in self-imposed exile in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, could test relations with Washington and raise questions about judicial independence in Turkey. A Turkish prosecutor has accused him of leading an armed terrorist group”:
“The men, who had been in the camp for more than 10 years … had been cleared for transfer for some time and are not considered to represent security risks in Afghanistan, where US troops are still deployed”:
“[T]he Islamists remain a powerful force after winning the second largest number of seats in the new parliament…. The presidency post holds only limited powers over national defense and foreign policy. The parliament … will be key to selecting a prime minister to lead the government”:
“‘I have been waiting for three months to leave, this is very bad,’ said Mnwar Shaath, 58, a Palestinian woman clad in a long black robe who lives in Saudi Arabia and came to visit family in Gaza. ‘I am sick and I was afraid I may die here, away from my children, I want to go back and die among them” …
… while the US resumes arming the authoritarian regime that overthrew a democratically elected government and routinely violates human rights:
“A Muslim leader in Australia, Keysar Trad, said that the imam of the Lakemba mosque ‘doesn’t want a bar of him’ but added that no Muslim can be denied a holy funeral unless they renounce their faith prior to death” …
… while “Manal Kassem was adorned in a white dress, hijab and veil when she laid her wedding bouquet on the river of floral tributes to the fatal Lindt cafe siege victims. After watching the wedding party approach, the city crowd broke into applause” …
- Muslim Bride’s Unique Martin Place Tribute Garners Applause from Onlookers (AAP / Brisbane Times)
… but “the community leadership told police ‘all of our resources are on the table’ in an attempt to identify Monis and end the siege …Â but it is believed he did not want to talk to them”:
- Sydney Siege: Police Say No to Help from Muslim Leaders During Stand-off (Daily Telegraph)
“Kurdish peshmerga forces in northern Iraq have regained most of the ground they had lost. But the war grinds on, as a weakened Iraqi army and Shi’ite militia volunteers battle back and forth with Islamic State across central and western Iraq”:
“Pakistan’s interior minister says … the authorities have picked up several people suspected of involvement in the attack, although he did not disclose their identities or say how many they were”:
- Pakistan Says Arrests Made in Taliban School Carnage (AP / abc News)
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