Obama removes his objection to an independent Congressional investigation while authorizing attorney general Holder to investigate and potentially prosecute:
Appointment of the co-author of Who Speaks for Islam “is viewed by many in the Middle East as a step by Obama to move beyond the stereotypes and prejudices”:
Despite his lawyers claims Muse is only 15 (which is the age of majority in Islamic law), he will stand trail as an adult and if convicted, will serve life in prison:
- Somali Charged With Piracy in Attack on U.S. Ship (Washington Post)
A reminder that any meaningful peace talks must include Hamas…
… as Israel dodges the Palestinian question with renewed hostility towards Iran:
- Israel Puts Iran Issue Ahead of Palestinians (Washington Post)
Military Equipment to Israel require export licenses which are subject to strict criteria, “including that the equipment must not be used for internal repression, must not provoke or prolong armed conflicts”:
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