“It’s really sad when we bow down to the threat of violence against those who want to implement freedom of expression. This is not about faith, it is an expression of xenophobia that can do more damage in the long term”:
- After Duke’s Call-to-prayer Controversy, Muslim Students in D.C. Fear a Backlash (Washington Post)
And now some real satire, from America. John Stewart looks at the Fox news apology for allowing Steven Emerson’s assertion that non-Muslims dare not enter Birmingham and Aasif Mandvi looks at the threat of Sharia law in the U.S.:
- The Zone Rangers (Daily Show)
“This is a huge win for religious freedom and for all Americans. What the Supreme Court said today was that government officials cannot impose arbitrary restrictions on religious liberty just because they think government knows best” – Eric Rassbach, co-counsel in the case:
“A source close to the president said Hadi had met an official of the Shi’ite Muslim rebel group and would soon issue decrees resolving all differences. The source denied Hadi was under house arrest inside the residence, surrounded since early morning by Houthi fighters” …
… some speculate that the Shiite group stopped short of overthrowing President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. Reuters says the reason for that decision could be “to keep the enfeebled leader at their mercy rather than claim the burden of seizing power”:
- Houthis Tighten Grip on Yemen’s Capital. What’s Behind Their Surge? (Christian Science Monitor)
“Islamic civilization … at its peak was a tolerant society which produced some of history’s greatest scientists, poets, mathematicians, and scholars. [G]roups … such as ISIS or al-Qaeda, are … relatively modern … boosted by the power vacuums left in the wake of the frequent foreign interventions”:
- The Malevolence of Anti-Muslim Bigots (Think Progress)
“In the wake of the attack on the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, media worldwide rallied in support of the magazine and its staff, citing the importance of free speech, but Bénisti acted quickly to ban “Timbuktu,†though he admitted he had not seen the film”:
- French Mayor Bans, then Pushes Muslim Film Screening, Citing Fear ‘that the Movie Makes an Apology for Terrorism’ (Washington Post)
“Two Turkish policemen have been jailed for 10 years for their part in beating a student to death during anti-government protests that the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan described at the time as a coup attempt…. Three other defendants were sentenced to nearly seven years in jail”:
Graham Fuller credits “four … major hstorical factors” for Muslim resistance to Western hegemony: the proximity of the West to the Middle East; the power of the concept of the Umma ; the cohesive power of modern communications; and the success of the Muslim historical model:
- Why Is It Specifically Muslims Who Are Resisting the West? (Grahamfuller.com)
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