A new dialogue coinciding with Israel’s “independence” hopes to expose both sides to the “experiences of the other while not denigrating one’s own” …
- In Israel, Jews and Arabs Aim to Bridge ‘Independence’ and ‘Catastrophe’ Narratives (Christian Science Monitor)
… while in the U.S. an advertiser under pressure breaks a contract for a billboard containing political speech:
- Why Can’t We Have A Public Debate About Aid to Israel? (Minaret of Freedom Institute)
As British forces announce that majority of the troops will leave by May 31…
…Speculation grows over the accuracy of comparisons between Hussein and al-Maliki:
Sentences issued in a case that largely relied on FBI provocateurs:
- 4 Life Terms, 1 33-Year Sentence in Fort Dix Case (AP / Washington Post)
Perhaps the Internet might be catalyst needed to end the 27-year-long rule of Mubarak:
Will the Hindu nationalist party see significant boost after the Mumbai attacks?
- Focus on Opposition BJP as India Votes in 3rd Round (Reuters / Washington Post)
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