News and Analysis (6/21/15)

“[S]pecifics of the ban have extended well beyond fasting and into the other religious activities associated with Ramadan.” Among the orders to students: “[D]o not fast, do not enter mosques … and do not attend religious activities”:

Egypt’s military dictatorship extends it crackdown on the free press into Germany:

“There’s a lot of crazy people in the world. My advice … to the general public and good people of the world: Just ignore it….  [I]n the Quran, … God almighty … tells us when the ignorant people want … to argue with you or address you, just tell them ‘peace’” – president of the Colorado Muslim Society:

With new leaks piling on top of an earlier revelation of Gulf state collusion with Israel, the Saudis tell their citizens to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain …

… as “[d]iplomatic documents published by WikiLeaks Friday give a snapshot of the lavish spending habits of senior Saudi royals and the political intrigue percolating across the Middle East” …

… “One of the most inflammatory memos carries the claim that Gulf countries were prepared to pay $10 billion to secure the freedom of … Mubarak … saying that the Muslim Brotherhood would agree to release Mubarak in exchange for the cash “since the Egyptian people will not benefit from his imprisonment”:

It is only because the killer was not a Muslim that “many observers say that the actions of Mr. Roof immediately fell into a very different cultural lens: the disaffected white loner, perhaps mentally ill, isolated from the community. In other words: a cultural aberration”:

“Shahindokht Molaverdi denounces men whose violent threats prevented women getting into Iran match against the US as … ‘sanctimonious people … denouncing the modest and decent girls and women of this land’ who ‘used obscene and disgusting insults that only befit themselves”:

The Madras High Court in India permits Hindus to convert to Islam, but not to escape from the caste system:

“[I]t did do us some damage. I supported the invasion. We didn’t find weapons of mass destruction there and that was the basis by which we went in. so on that basis, we weren’t right to go in”:

The mines may have been planted “to deter government forces from advancing towards the city, also known as Tadmur”:






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