It’s now “open warâ€::
·       Ethiopian Jets Strike Somali Airports (Reuters)
Diplomats released, others still detained; Iraqi government “deeply upsetâ€:
·       U.S. Is Holding Iranians Seized in Raids in Iraq (NY Times)
She promises “to call for an amnesty for political prisoners and to demand†that the secular “government reform the constitution to give Tunisians more freedom of speech and associationâ€:
·       Woman Heads Tunisia Political Party for First Time (Reuters)
Haniyeh cites precedent for coexistence with Israel in example of China and Taiwan:
·       Amid Chaos, Hamas Talks Pragmatism (Forward)“
[E]very major international aid organization is singing the Islamist group’s praises when it comes to the quality of its work.†Professionalism of welfare operations and absence of corruption noted:
·       Uncle Hamas Cares for Palestinians (Spiegal)
An American learns the hard way…
… and the Israelis offer to ease up a bit …
·       Israel Agrees to Remove Some West Bank Roadblocks (Reuters)
… while “Israeli officials say Washington has been instrumental in helping organize shipments of guns and ammunition to†Abbas’s forces:
·       U.S., European Officials Visit Fatah Base in Jordan (Reuters)
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