News and Analysis (2/17/17)

Declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization could be a tool for “anti-Muslim crusaders to hound unaffiliated, mainstream Muslim organizations and potentially criminalize their leadership”:

Trump’s inner circle is convinced that America is fighting a battle to the death with Islam – not one to win over the hearts and minds of the world’s Muslims …

… but his solidly conservative Labor appointee sees things differently, criticizing the French ban on “headscarves, kippahs, crosses and any other religious” and defending the protection of religious expression”:

One Russian woman says her “family, including women and four children, as well as a female neighbor and her children, were held for several days in a police station … without charge”:

“[T]hree cases, which reached the court before Democratic President Barack Obama left office, all deal broadly with the degree to which non-citizens can assert rights under the U.S. Constitution” …

… and may affect arguments as to whether the travel ban violates major Constitutional provisions even as it professes to aim at ensuring those entering the country ‘support the Constitution’” …

… and it is “interesting that Arab countries where Trump has done business are not included in the ban“:

“I signed with the top modeling agency in the WORLD and still wore my hijab as my crown. Don’t ever change yourself. Change the game”:

“Students whose families are more engaged with religion or go to a mosque tend to have more information, whereas … [those] mostly only hearing things from other kids at school, so there’s more fear”:

ISIS adds to the toll of Muslims it has murdered with a terror strike in Pakistan:

“The ‘clearance’ operations resulted in the emigration of 69,000 Rohingya Muslims to neighboring Bangladesh. Thousands … are believed to have been killed during the four-month campaign”:

“Many of the perpetrators invoked the president-elect’s name during the incidents, indicating the surge was linked or motivated by his electoral win,” according to a Southern Poverty Law Center report:






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