News and Analysis (4/25/17)

The leaders of Iran and Saudi both know “ideas about the value of the individual, rule of law, and representative government ‘are now authentic features of Islamic thought and society’”:

The Communist Party prohibition bars those with common Muslim names “including Imam, Hajj, Islam, Quran, Saddam, Medina and Islam” from access to healthcare and education”:

Her guests on one show have inspired terrorist Anders Breivik, called Huma Abedin and Grover Norquist Muslim Brotherhood conspirators, and called for the annihilation of Islam:

One prisoner was “placed in solitary confinement and denied medical attention even though he had blood in his urine” from internal bleeding from the beating he received:

“Her appointment is a precedent for Israel. Jewish women are prohibited from serving as judges on religious courts”:

“The level of urban development in [Andalusian] cities … with public lighting, libraries and advanced irrigation methods, was way ahead of the rest of the continent” as was tolerance:

The Pope seeks “to strengthen relations with the 1,000-year-old Azhar center that were cut by the Muslim side in 2011 over what it said were repeated insults of Islam by Francis’s predecessor”:

The “former donor to the party … made the comment after he withdrew his application to be Ukip’s candidate in Clacton for June’s general election”:

Trump “said he would prioritize the protection of persecuted Christians. But his first big international rescue of an American citizen was a Muslim woman”:






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