As Ahmadinejad is officially declared the winner with the Guardian Council reporting no “major” irregularities in the election …
… Iranian authorities place the full blame of any violence on the “hooligans and rioters” protesting the election…
- Iranian Legislative Panel Hints At Legal Action Against Mousavi (Washington Post)
… Yet the government is unlikely to succeed in censorship of the Internet:
- Web Pries Lid of Iranian Censorship (NY Times)
Accusing him of spying for US forces, al-Qaeda tortured Janko and put him in a Taliban prison until he ended up in the hands of US forces who held him as a terrorist with weak logic that “defies common sense”:
- Judge Orders Guantanamo Detainee’s Release (Washington Post)
Ignoring the legitimacy of Hamas’ election by popular vote, Fayyad’s plan calls for a unification of Palestinian governments under the PA…
- Palestinian Premier Sets 2-Year Statehood Target (Washington Post)
…Additionally, Hamas points to political prisoners as a sign of PA inflexibility in reconciliation talks:
- Hamas Withdraws from Conciliation Committee; Announces Names of 64 Detained by PA Overnight (Ma’an News)
Faulting the “burka” as a “problem of liberty and women’s dignity”, the “Sun president” positions himself to dictate what women may wear:
Kyrgyz officials retract their eviction of US forces striking a deal allowing for the transport of non-lethal military supplies to Afghanistan:
- U.S. Reaches Deal to Use Kyrgyzstan Airport (LA Times)
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