“The top Buddhist leader is the latest Nobel peace laureate to speak out against the violence, which … may have killed more than 1,000 people, most of them Rohingya” …
- ‘Very sad’ Dalai Lama Says Buddha Would Have Helped Myanmar’s Muslim Rohingya (South China Morning Post)
… but the one Nobel peace laureate in a position to do something about it remains silent:
- Rohingya Muslim Crisis: 400,000 Sign Petition to Strip Aung Sang Suu Kyi of Nobel Prize (Independent)
A depiction of a lion symbolizing the Western-led coalition driving a dog wrapped in the Muslim declaration of the faith provides a recruiting tool for the terrorists:
“The statement of LBA is false and concocted, an effort to suppress and threaten the rights of individual… I appeal not to let hatred and fear to win over love and compassion” — the bride:
- Buddhist Woman’s Wedding with Muslim Sparks Tension in Ladakh (Hindustan Times)
Some women “termed triple talaq as a ‘right’ that should not be taken away from them simply because some ‘uneducated women’ had moved the apex court against it” …
- Hundreds of Muslim Women Rally in Support of Triple Talaq, Decry ‘Bid’ to Dilute Sharia (Hindustan Times)
… but “the board had always felt that instant triple talaq was a sin, even though admissible in [all four] schools of Sunni law”:
“Police fired rubber bullets to break up a mob which stoned the home of a Muslim butcher in central Myanmar”:
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