News and Analysis (9/26/17)

“[I]f Trump issued an order to ban blacks from the Cabinet but then added Venezuelans and North Koreans. It would still be just as racist” …

… “this issue is far from resolved. Here are some questions looking at how we got here, and where we could go next”:

The British government tried to force him to make available 30,000 sensitive documents in violation of “client confidentiality and legal privilege”:

The Muslim parade’s grand Marshall was a rabbi, and the president of the Muslim Foundation of America welcomed protesters along the route as “democracy in action”:

Against International law, “Israeli soldiers freely fire live bullets at Palestinians during confrontations or military raids” permanently disabling victims by aiming for the kneecaps:

Islam requires women to “be good ‘stewards’ of their bodies,” and while, if necessary, “mammography can be performed by a male technician[, ] … most centers have female staff”:

“Divorce in Islam is regulated by a number of considerations and responsibilities“:

A mosque leader not only kept his promise to visit the shooter every other week during his six month imprisonment, but  gave him his grandfather’s Holy Qur’an as a gift:






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