News and Analysis (10/26/17)

As with President El-Sisi, the phony “progressivism” of the new university president does not include “opening the public square, including campuses, to political organizing“:

“Katie … wouldn’t want to sit next to a Muslim on a bus … [and] was fearful of women wearing the niqab. But she … had a genuine desire to have her preconceptions challenged”:

Records released in response to FOI reveal little beyond confusion in the government:

One woman said her group joined the protest because “the NGO would provide education about gender-based violence, hygiene and sanitation to Muslims”:

Muslim ban 4.0?

“I love that Zari is just as American as she is Muslim” — actress Tala Ashe:

“[T[he demise of ISIS as a physical entity in Iraq and Syria does not spell the end of this jihadist network”:

“[T]he declaration might have more to do with boosting the kingdom’s economy rather than reversing decades-old practices”:

“[T]he Iraqi government stipulates that the vote’s outcome be canceled before any talks commence”:






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