News and Analysis (11/21/17)

“For a man whose role involves assessing security threats, Wuco has been quick to conclude—sometimes falsely—that attacks were perpetrated by Muslims”:

“Once a ceasefire is seen to be working, … talks … should find a workable solution for the return of refugees, and the final phase should be to work toward a long-term solution based on poverty alleviation”:

“While Tariq Ramadan’s accusers deserve justice and the scholar must be allowed to defend himself, … Muslim women … have every right… in this moment of opportunity to expose patriarchy’s crimes”:

“Kamala is neither completely devoted to her faith nor rebelling against it. She, like a lot of Muslims, is somewhere in the middle. Her race and religion are subtle facets of a rich and confusing life”:

They’re identical twins, except that one is a liberal transgender practicing Muslim and the other an agnostic conservative sympathizer:

“[Whether they] are indeed Turkish nationals as they claim or Chinese nationals as China claims, the fact that they are ethnic Uyghur is enough for them to face persecution and harsh punishment”:






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