Both Democrats and Republicans are trying to shut Muslims out:
- Democrats Anonymously Target Muslim Candidate, Questioning His Eligibility to Run for Michigan Governor (The Intercept)
- Muslim Voters Say They Want to Participate, Not ‘Infiltrate’ (MPR News)
The man’s conviction for “a murderous terrorist attack on worshippers leaving a mosque” has triggered “a complete review of the national security threat posed by the extreme right”:
The post-ISIS competition is to rebuild the war-torn nation, but with Syria split between Asad and the rebels, aid is highly politicized making successful reconstruction as unlikely as in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya :
- Who Can Win the Peace in Syria? (Christian Science Monitor)
“[A]udiences unschooled in the faith [of Islam] can see “Bilal†as a universal saga” but despite “elements of historic profundity and beauty in” the film its “over-earnestness … makes it feel more like a lesson than entertainment”:
NGO’s “often use Western teaching materials that don’t fit the Afghan cultural context, lending the gender equality message a foreign tone. They … don’t point to … Islamic religious teaching about gender” equity:
- For Afghan Women, Rocky Path to Respect Exacts a Steep Price (Christian Science Monitor)
The police “admitted that the content of the documents they obtained from them is the information that the public already knew. He said the contents are same, … [yet] the court rejected the defense’s application for bail”:
“In 2015, former President John Mahama proclaimed freedom of faith, opening the way for more displays of religion in the secular country”:
“Although local aesthetic values are based on local narratives and ethnic identities, they also sometimes involve implicit critiques of prevalent Western conceptions of beauty”:
- How Muslim Women Use Fashion to Exert Political Influence (The Atlantic)
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