News and Analysis (2/11/18)

Is Israel’s increased violence aimed at provoking a regional war that could form a pretext for U.N. intervention to demand Hezbollah abandon its missiles?

“With Islamophobia at historic levels, a Muslim social services provider finds that women who flee to shelters often confront new abuses from non-Muslim survivors and staff members”:

“[I]t was supposed to be a multi-faith prayer room. However, … the Pyeongchang Olympics Gangwon Citizens’ Islam Countermeasure Association, launched its protests specifically against Muslims who were coming for the Winter Olympics”:

“The connection between Middle Eastern and Mexican food goes all the way back to the Moors” but it took a Palestinian and a Mexican to make a culinary exploration of “the political potential between [U.S.] Muslims and Mexicans:

Iranian women protesting legal imposition of the hijab and American Muslim women opposing the stigma against headscarves” alike are demanding recognition of “an individual’s dignity and freedom of choice”:

The overwhelming majority … [of mass casualty attack in the U.S.] was conducted by individuals who were motivated by white supremacist or anti-government ideological beliefs or non-ideological grievances” …

… The Muslim victims of one such crime engaged in “philanthropy [that ranged f]rom helping the homeless to supporting scholarship and Syrian refugees”:

“The current Indian and Israeli governments share a common political vision of repression, exclusion and a blatant disregard of human rights. The real support for Palestine lies with the Indian people, … taking the form of … BDS initiatives”:

Newsy’s Chance Seales reports that  ‘Jihad’ Makes Us Think ‘Terrorism,’ But That’s A Huge Inaccuracy:






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