“Fawzi Khimiri … has been waiting for over three years for the government to approve his permit to open a newspaper and telephone card kiosk.” So why don/t Tunisians understand hat the lack freedom is behind the lack of jobs?
- In Tunis Suburb, a Revolutionary Demand: Jobs, Not Freedoms (Christian Science Monitor)
A fellow Christian finds Harrison’s apology inadequate because he “posted it on Facebook rather than standing before the cameras — or in front of those whose feelings he’d hurt — and answering for his transgression”:
- Plano Council Member Eats His (Implied) Words, but Anti-Islam Video He Posted Is Hard to Swallow (Dallas News)
“Jews have to stand up EVEN when — ESPECIALLY when — the wrongdoing is BY Jews/the Israeli government” — Sarah Silverman:
The Supreme Court had already ruled that she “has the right to live freely and choose a life of her choice” so now she demands to be reunited with her husband:
Can you imagine the reaction of Muslim villagers to a Muslim man acting as a Hindu priest? Wrong. They “offered a helping hand — some donated their land for the temple expansion while offered financial help”:
The Turkish invaders and their rebel allies “have taken about 45 villages, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights” which reports “at least 205 Syrian rebels and 219 Kurdish militiamen dead, along with 112 civilians”:
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