News and Analysis (7/23/18)

“[W]hite and rightwing terrorists carried out nearly twice as many terrorist attacks as Muslim extremists between 2008 and 2016″ but “attacks committed by non-Muslims (or where the religion was unknown) received an average of 15 headlines, while those committed by Muslim[s] … received 105 headlines”:

The Saudi “tie up with Britain’s Independent news website to launch services in Urdu, Turkish, Farsi and Arabic” seems to be the latest move in “a pattern of Saudi chequebook diplomacy that aimed to buy positive coverage of the kingdom by European, Middle Eastern and African media“:

The speaker said that Muslims should follow the Qur’an because it “gives meaning to life…, [that religion] is about transformation … [and] should not be used to repress others, saying this was the gist of the Qur’an’s message provided its verses are understood in their true context”:

The “bean pie … was developed by black Muslims in the Nation of Islam in the 1930s. The history of why they created it, and what it represents, tells one of the most essential stories about Muslims in America. And as you’ll see, it is extremely delicious”:

As with the murder of two Palestinians in Malaysia on Saturday the mysterious deaths in Tunisia appear to follow a pattern of “Palestinian scientists and experts around the world … killed in recent years in assassinations alleged to be carried out by Israel’s Mossad espionage agency”:

“The law would create a new, more autonomous political territory for the predominantly Muslim Moro people and other indigenous groups in western Mindanao island, capping 17 years of negotiations between Moro rebels and the government”:

“The deal came after Israeli forces killed four Palestinians in the Gaza strip on Friday”:

66% of Iranian women (compared to 25% of American women) have experienced domestic violence.

“Pompeo neglected to mention that a major cause of Iranians’ current economic plight is the Trump administration’s decision to unilaterally quit the 2015 Iran nuclear deal after months of undermining its implementation”:






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