News and Analysis (10/19/18)

What is Saudi Arabia afraid of …

… and what are so many “Washington think tankers and pundits, not to mention senior members of the Trump administration” afraid of?

Guess who else engages in targeted political assassinations?

The head of the consulate, which traditionally dealt with Palestinian affairs, will return to Washington…. Instead, Ambassador to Israel David Friedman will oversee U.S. diplomatic ties with the Palestinians” in the Trump administration’s latest move to finish off the two-state solution …

… while an Israeli human rights organization charges that “ongoing efforts to legislate against Israeli human rights organizations “now go hand-in-hand with the routine in which opposition to the occupation is being equated with treason” …

… and “among the Palestinian leadership, Israeli officials and observers, there is increasing concern that after a long period of relative calm, there is a real possibility of an outbreak of sustained violence in the West Bank” …

… while at the Gaza border the Israelis continue to shed blood despite smaller demonstrations:

“The scholarship-winning graduate student was not permitted to clear immigration on 2 October despite having a visa, on the grounds she supported the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel”:
“Anwar, who is known as a Muslim reformist, also condemned Australia’s proposal to move its embassy to Jerusalem and urged countries in the region to take a stronger stance on the Rohingya refugee crisis in Myanmar”:
“Imam Eidgah Maulana Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahali said that a judicial probe should be conducted to find out whether or not consent of Muslim [orphan] girls was taken before” the Hindu mass wedding:
France’s foreign ministry points out how Trump’s Iran policy may erode American global power in general as the “Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that the European Union is considering creating to enable trade with Iran could be used more broadly to help the bloc avoid the extraterritorial reach of U.S. law”:






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