News and Analysis (1/27/19)

The failure to free Ramadan despite the collapse of the case against him would be surprising were it not for the context that Muslims, 9% of the French population are the majority of its prisoners:

“Hashemi, a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen who has worked in Iran for about 25 years, was arrested this month … in St. Louis, where she had been working on a documentary about Black Lives Matter”:

Pompeo’s pronouncements evoke memories of Hillary Clinton’s declaration that Bashar Assad “had ‘lost legitimacy,’ … as if he were finished” but “[t]hat did not end well … sadly it hasn’t ended yet” …

… Gulf autocrats welcomed Trump as one of their own, but now his “policies” have left them bewildered …

… but Iran “understands Iraq’s political needs very well, and it has actually encouraged successive Iraqi governments to give Sunnis an honorable place in Iraqi politics to maintain stability”:

“[U]nless the US can swiftly move to get this plane out of Iran, it will constitute an increasingly luminous testament to what some people see as America’s propensity to be an international bully”:

“Muslim-Christian relations have, over the centuries, oscillated between conflict, coexistence and conversation” and today the relationship is at “a low point that has seen some reaching for comparisons with the Crusades”:

Wilmington “will revise its dress code policies for city-operated aquatic facilities to ensure … that the dress code accommodates clothing worn for religious reasons or financial hardship”:

On a train in Europe, a Saudi learns something about observant Jews from an Orthodox rabbi:

Israel calls Irish sanctions of thieves of Palestinian land a form of Antisemitism, but the Irish, themselves have endured colonial occupation, don’t see it that way:






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