News and Analysis (3/11/19)

“Lebanese-American businessman George Nader” reported “that [at the] meeting … the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia wanted to aid Trump in his bid for the White House”:

Palestinians like  the “15-year-old lay dying … after being shot in the head by Israeli soldiers … didn’t get a mention in the resolution Democratic leadership pushed through … that condemned various forms of hate”:

“After Parveen was released from custody and spoke to HuffPost in an earlier article about being fed pork,” his green card was denied and he now faces possible deportation:

The school now claims that as a private school it need not honor its “offer [to] the boys’s parents [of] a ‘generally positive indication of acceptance’ of prayers” and its suggestion of available space in the library:

“Ramy … is a practicing Muslim who truly believes in his faith, and that alone makes a show centering on his experience a startling, welcome exception to an increasingly monotonous rule”:

Al-Issa noted the Qur’an explains that God deliberately created diverse people, and opined that “only an aware group of people will be able to overcome [negative] difference by realizing God’s wisdom in diversity” …

… and a Malaysian argues that the Qur’an teaches that “differences of opinions but they are meant for human beings to achieve progress and happiness through the course of life”:






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