News and Analysis (3/18/19)

“New Zealand Muslim leaders on Monday conveyed messages of love, compassion and appreciation for the community support they had received after a lone gunman … [killed] 50 people and injur[ed] dozens more” …

…. The first victim responded to the man pointing a rifle at him “with clear intentions to kill … [him] with the most gentle and sincere greeting of ‘hello brother’”:

“[T]he Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh has set up a fund for the victims.” of the New Zealand shooting, “reciprocating the kindness of Pittsburgh’s Muslim community after” last year’s synagogue shooting”:

[W]hite nationalists’ major motivators is ‘the great replacement’ conspiracy theory. They fear that Jews, blacks and Muslims will replace white people and eventually subordinate them”:

“[A]nti-market policies of the 1980s … were … the result of … the … war with Iraq and the flight of the Pahlavi-era upper class. In the early 1990s, … the government’s rhetoric and policies radically shifted to become pro-market”:

Hearing the call to prayer, a college student cried for her “brothers and sisters suffering around the world … in Chinese internment camps and …. in Palestine[,] …in Afghanistan[,] in Yemen[,] … here[, and] … in New Zealand”:






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