News and Analysis (3/30/19)

” Israeli forces on Saturday used live rounds, rubber bullets and tear gas on the protesters, killing three 17-year-old boys, and wounding at least 207 people”:

“HijrahFest is like a pious version of the US’ SXSW where, instead of music, 12,000 festivalgoers network, explore a Muslim-themed trade show … and attend Quranic studies guided by the hijrah community’s top preachers”:

From Asad to MbS, “Arab governments spend millions of dollars on research to shape Western thinking about domestic political activists opposing their rule, some of whom are religious” — Foreign Policy report:

“Amnesty International’s director for French-speaking Canada, said the bill contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guarantees freedom of thought, conscience and religion”:

“[T]he first female president of the Islamic Society of North America” says Muslim women are “shedding that narrow congregational model [inherited form the West] and also rediscovering our history”:

Racists are surprised. The most common first “names in the database” did not include Muhammad, but were “Michael, Daniel, Andreas, Sascha, Thomas, Christian, Manuel, Patrick, David, Jens, Justin, and Sven”:

The judge “found no proof, as required under a 2013 decision … that the services were a substantial factor in the attacks, and that the plaintiffs’ injuries were a reasonably foreseeable consequence”:






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