News and Analysis (8/22-23/09)

Deprived of both his visiting professorship at Erasmus University and his advisory position to the city of Rotterdam, Tariq Ramadan sends an open letter to his detractors:

Some don’t share the optimism over the fact that Sunnis and Shia began fasting on the same day for the first time in ten years …

… and Iraqis fear political motivated violence will continue to rise ahead of elections scheduled for January:

“His core message … is ‘to suggest’ to his new colleagues that there is nothing to fear in recognising the notion of a Jewish state. ‘The correct response is that we will not recognise an Israel defined by political Zionism’:

“Women’s rights activists” and conservative clerics both oppose Ahmadinejad’s appointment of women to the cabinet:

Will the election results be considered legitimate and widely accepted by the Afghani population?

An opportunity for interfaith dialogue as Muslims rent space in a synagogue to accommodate the surging population during the month of Ramadan:


Minaret of Freedom Institute Program Assistant






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