“Sri Lanka’s Muslim civil society movements and associations have called upon authorities to immediately arrest and punish the perpetrators of Sunday Easter bombings that killed more than 350 people” …
… and the leader of the group accused of the massacre was the subject of complaints “to authorities … since 2017”:
Against “the backdrop of an attempt to minimize the role of civil society organizations, Austrian Muslim organizations seem to function as a playground for implementing more authoritarian policies”:
- Austria’s Ban on Muslim Brotherhood Symbols Has Further Aims (Andolou Agency)
Harsh policies towards Iran give “all those factions and centers of power who would normally want to rein in the Corps’ disproportionate amount of influence … no choice but to strengthen it” …
- Inducing Behavioral Change in the Islamic Republic of Iran (Center for Global Policy)
… while an expert calls a policy which lost a war in Syria and expended blood and treasure to strengthen Iran’s position in Iraq, and leaving our only reliable regional ally “an authoritarian, brutal state under a boy-king”:
- Trump’s Latest Iran Sanctions Show an Unraveling of US Foreign Policy (The Real News Network)
“Implicit in Ramy and Nour’s interaction is the idea that Ramy’s reservations are not tied to a commitment to celibacy, but rather to his idea that sexual liberation (and impropriety) is reserved only for white women”:
- What Ramy Gets Wrong About Muslim Women (The Atlantic)
Israeli officials foresee a scenario in which they are the foreign country is “dragged into” interfering in America’s next “presidential contest if Iran deal becomes a major issue”:
He fled violence in Iraq only to be taunted as a terrorist in the U.S.:
- Federal Agency Investigated San Diego Unified Over Anti-Muslim Bullying Incident (Voice of San Diego)
“This government for the first time in Pakistan’s [history] is dismantling any militant group in our country” — Imran Khan:
An “autobiographical manuscript has been translated from its original Arabic and housed at the Library of Congress, where it ‘annihilates’ the conventional narrative of African slaves as uneducated and uncultured”:
“Palestinians did and still are. They have always filled the labor-intensive sector of the construction industry. Everyone knows this, but it is the subject of widespread denial”:
- Palestinians Built Israel (Jacobin)
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