Committed to a policy of bellow loudly and carry a big stick, Bolton brings war with a Iran a step closer …
… “‘pushing the U.S. toward disaster’ in spite of the Trump’s campaign promise not to get involved in expensive foreign wars”:
- Can We Stop the Slow Slide to a U.S.-Iran War? (National Interest)
Cuba and Iran in the 1950s, Syria, Libya and Iraq more recently, when will the U.S. ever learn?
Alejandro Beutel’s analysis unveils the techniques by which white nationalists shift the window of acceptable conversation to permit open antisemitism and Islamophobia and recruit young people:
- The New Zealand Terrorist’s Manifesto: A Look at Some of the Key Narratives, Beliefs and Tropes (START)
The judge found that “[w]hile the violation of [JamilAl-Amin’s] right not to testify was ‘serious and repeated,’ … she was constrained by the ‘onerous standards’ imposed by the law and Supreme Court case law”:
- 1960s Black Militant H. Rap Brown Challenging Imprisonment (Washington Post)
A convert asked his parents concerned about his conversion “to read a chapter in the Quran about Mary and Jesus.” He says, “That gave them a different perspective of Islam”:
- More Latinos Are Becoming Muslims: ‘Islam Is Not as Foreign as You Think’ (Philadelphia Inquirer)
“Palestinian officials said an Egyptian-mediated ceasefire agreement was reached with Israel on Monday to end a recent surge of violence in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel” …
…in which “[f]our Israelis and 23 Palestinians, including two pregnant woman and an infant, were killed … along the border on Friday”:
One of the ten demonstrators repeatedly shouted that “Roger Waters hates Jews†because the co-founder of rock band Pink Floyd “while on a music tour in Israel … was appalled by the conditions Palestinians must endure”:
The free market rushes in to meet needs to which the broader culture is indifferent:
- Enough with the Pancakes. Can Muslims Get More than IHOP at Ramadan? (Washington Post)
“I have never been to a country where so many people are so genuinely pleased – and grateful – you have decided to visit”:
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