“Trump’s supporters and other advocates of a more restrained foreign policy seem inclined to blame the president’s advisers more than they do the president himself” …
- Guess Who Doesn’t Want War with Iran? Trump Supporters (The Guardian)
… but “John Bolton wants regime change in Iran, and so does the cult that paid him” …
- A Terrorist Cult and Its Trumpian Friends (Habilian)
… while Rep. Ruben Gallego attributes what “he described as a false narrative [to] national security adviser John Bolton and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.)”:
- ‘I Get the Same Intel:’ Iran Threat Exaggerated by GOP Hawks, Rep. Gallego Says (Washington Post)
That Republicans and Democrats “answer differently even though they had equal knowledge of our numerical nomenclature … means that the question is about knowledge or ignorance … [and also] prejudice”:
“Muslim voter turnout in four key swing states jumped 25 percentage points from the 2014 to the 2018 midterm elections, according to a new study released by the Muslim political advocacy group Emgage”:
- Muslim Voter Turnout Is Way Up, New Report Finds (Huffington Post)
Among the reasons “Israel and the US are hell-bent on targeting Iran at this juncture” is the forthcoming announcement Trump/Kushner’s “farcical attempt to resolve the longstanding Israel-Palestine conflict” …
- Targeting Iran (Counterpunch)
… which for Palestinians rejects everything “from the law to the agreements, to the basic requirements of peace to the components of any viable peace process” and “shows a lack of understanding of the issues”:
As keen as Israel may be on seeing a war with Iran, they would prefer the U.S. do the fighting:
- Report: Israel Will Not Join War with Iran Unless Attacked (Israel Hayom)
Failing to live up to her pledge to speak “out against violations of human rights [anywhere] in the world” does nothing to refute Primal Scream’s Bobby Gillespie’s charge that her appearance is an act of prostitution:
- Madonna Makes Call for Israel-Palestine Unity at Eurovision (The Guardian)
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