News and Analysis (6/2/19)

Jewish law prohibits Jews entry to the Holy of Holies, but the Israeli police would rather provoke a Palestinian riot at the end of Ramadan than obey Jewish law:

Funded by the State Dept. to expose pro-Iranian propaganda, the Iran Disinformation Project has instead engaged in disinformation against the Iran treaty, even attacking a journalist Iran detained for a year and a half …

Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ CEO Mark Dubowitz denies suspicions of collaboration with the disinformation project the as work of “‘conspiracists’ [who] see ‘FDD’s hand in everything’”:

In his “forty hadith” inspired work, “the Hunter S. Thompson of Islamic literature [includes] …canonical as well as … marginalized sources” from “queer theology, feminist commentary and core Islamic teachings”:

“Cuccinelli has a history of anti-LGBTQ and anti-immigrant rhetoric and positions” and Gabriel’s “long history of anti-Muslim statements” includes the claim that “a practicing Muslim … cannot be a loyal [U.S.] citizen”:

“Aufa … sees her faith as uplifting and liberating, not confining” and Ghufron “the Quran … says to … search for the signs that God has placed around. So … appreciating the beauty of flowers is part of my religion”:

Rouhani says Iran will negotiate if America just shows respect; Khamenei doesn’t actually contradict him, he just says America is incapable of abandoning bullying:

Netanyahu’s claim that the British-appointed mufti of Jerusalem “urged Hitler to annihilate the Jews” distorts history and fails to mention that had no influence on the{Palestinian] public …[who] didn’t see him as a leader”:

“While he didn’t get much eye contact from some of the leaders gathered around the GCC table, [Qatar’s representative Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser] al-Thani did back the Saudi monarch” …

… but Gulf and Middle East analyst Abdullah Baaboob says, “This strategy from the GCC states is flawed … because they don’t want to sit at the table … and sort out all the issues… The GCC is not united and it is fragmented”:






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