News and Analysis (6/20/19)

Tom Cotton and Tucker Carlson push and pull Trump in opposite directions on war with Iran …

… but the Constitution says it is a decision only Congress can make:

“The vote is particularly significant now, as Trump administration officials briefed Congress Wednesday on what they said are connections between Iran and al-Qaeda” (!?!) …

… but “[i]t is not clear to what extent possible U.S. military strikes on Iran will play a role in debate on the $750 billion measure or, for that matter, in a separate vote this week on blocking U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia”:

“‘Trump Heights’ is illegal in international law in just the same way as Gaddafi’s repression of his people or Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons were illegal” but a U.S. veto on behalf of Israel prevents economic sanctions:

John Kerry’s response to State Dept. aides attempting to convince him “to pressure Sisi to allow the Red Cross access to detainees in prison … [was] ‘Give me a policy the Egyptians will not scream at me for’”:

Central to their approach are assassinations like “the signature strike” to kill “anyone who fit a certain profile—a man of a certain age, for instance, with a phone that had been used to call someone on a list”:

“[T]he so-called ‘Revolution of Smiles’ … was first and foremost a revolution of the Algerian youth, which is not surprising in a country where 70 percent of the population is under 35″:

“[W]omen, children and ordinary Iranians who were not part of the Islamic Republic’s decisions seem to be those most directly suffering as the country’s economic decline [has] broad social and public health impacts”:






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