Tom Cotton and Tucker Carlson push and pull Trump in opposite directions on war with Iran …
- Tom Cotton Wages Lonely Campaign to Attack Iran (Politico)
- Tucker Carlson Tells Trump in Private: No War With Iran (Daily Beast)
… but the Constitution says it is a decision only Congress can make:
- GOP Lawmaker on Iran: Congress Should Vote on ‘What’s Worthy of Spilling American Blood and What Isn’t’ (The Hill)
- Biden Once Warned a President: War with Iran Without Congressional Approval Is Impeachable (NBC News)
“The vote is particularly significant now, as Trump administration officials briefed Congress Wednesday on what they said are connections between Iran and al-Qaeda” (!?!) …
… but “[i]t is not clear to what extent possible U.S. military strikes on Iran will play a role in debate on the $750 billion measure or, for that matter, in a separate vote this week on blocking U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia”:
- Drums of Looming Iran War Resound in Congress (Roll Call)
“‘Trump Heights’ is illegal in international law in just the same way as Gaddafi’s repression of his people or Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons were illegal” but a U.S. veto on behalf of Israel prevents economic sanctions:
- Trump Heights on Stolen Golan an Indictment of Colonial White Privilege (Informed Comment)
John Kerry’s response to State Dept. aides attempting to convince him “to pressure Sisi to allow the Red Cross access to detainees in prison … [was] ‘Give me a policy the Egyptians will not scream at me for’”:
- Who Killed Mohamed Morsi? (Middle East Eye)
Central to their approach are assassinations like “the signature strike” to kill “anyone who fit a certain profile—a man of a certain age, for instance, with a phone that had been used to call someone on a list”:
- Have You Heard of the CIA’s Iran Mission Center? (Common Dreams)
“[T]he so-called ‘Revolution of Smiles’ … was first and foremost a revolution of the Algerian youth, which is not surprising in a country where 70 percent of the population is under 35″:
- Exploring the Possibilities of Post-Revolution Algeria (Center for Global Policy)
“[W]omen, children and ordinary Iranians who were not part of the Islamic Republic’s decisions seem to be those most directly suffering as the country’s economic decline [has] broad social and public health impacts”:
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