News and Analysis (9/8/19)

The federal judge ruled that “the standard for inclusion in the database was too vague” to prevent “erroneous deprivation of plaintiffs’ travel-related and reputational liberty”:

“Yesterday you killed our children in Gaza. Today our heroes responded in Qalqilya, and then our resistance sent a pilotless drone sending a clear message: Our people’s blood is precious, don’t get close to it” — Hamas:

The hospital was not allowed to remove the mother as her child’s representative for obtaining a fatwa “that it would be a ‘great sin’ and ‘absolutely impermissible’ … to consent to the removal of life support”:

This “isn’t about free speech or trying to police what people are saying” but is about how inappropriate it is for a teacher to publish “overtly fear-mongering material online that has no evidence” in an academic lecture …

“Islam … [is] a way of thinking. You could almost be a Muslim without actually being a Muslim. A Muslim is only a person who believes that nothing in the universe should be worshipped except God”:

“Iran’s Civil Code sets the marriage age at 13 for girls and 15 for boys – if they have their parents’ consent” but a girl under 13 or a boy under 15 may wed if a judge rules then to be “intellectually mature”:

Erdogan’s contempt for the international order fits in a world where the USA walks away from treaties and “China and Russia are willing to sell nuclear technology as well as arms with fewer, if any, safeguards”:

CAIR “argued that meals provided to the men during … Ramadan did not meet [federal] caloric … health guidelines [and] meals were cold when others received hot meals and sometimes contained pork”:

“Just over a thousand guerrillas are turning in 940 weapons in a single day, in a graduated decommissioning process that aims to turn … the country’s largest rebel force, into a regular political party”:






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