News and Analysis (4/15/07)

With his soft spoken style, transparent style of governance and
support of the current President, Muslim politician Umaru Musa
Yar’Adua is Nigeria’s current Presidential front-runner:

Alleged “dirty bomber” case highlights the moral and strategic limitations of Bush administration’s counter-terrorism tactics:

“Indonesia is an experiment in Muslim democracy, which if successful could have ramifications for other parts of the world” – Director of the International Crisis Group’s Jakarta office

Fears over Iran’s slowly ascending nuclear program have regional neighbors pursuing their own programs:

Iraq caught between two suspicious spy agencies – one funded by the
CIA, the other allegedly driven by a sectarian agenda:

Amid accusations of civil liberties abuses under its watch, Bush administration asks Congress for more surveillance authority and resists calls for safeguards:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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