News and Analysis (5/7/2010)

Devastating civil liberties, the Terrorist Expatriation Act would allow US officials to remove citizenship for anyone suspected of allying themselves with a “terrorist organization”:

“[I]nvestigators are still struggling to come up with a cohesive account of how Shahzad evolved into a would-be terrorist but that they are increasingly convinced … that he was trained by the Pakistani Taliban”:

Kashmir is the issue behind India’s opposition to Afghani peace talks:

Experts are concerned that if the illegal coercive Judaization of Jerusalem continues, “a two-state solution will not be possible” …

… and even as “Israeli firefighters said it appears a fire in a West Bank mosque earlier this week was likely deliberately set” Abbas is preoccupied with accusations against his Hamas rivals:

In “a rare meeting with the US and other United Nations security council diplomats“:

Part of the rebuilding process, cinema begins to once again reflect Iraqi culture:


Minaret of Freedom Institute Program Assistant






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