News and Analysis (3/10/11)

Tempering his rhetoric, Peter King steers “clear of his most controversial statements from the past, when he said more than 80 percent of American mosques were tainted by radicalism”:

“At this time in our history, with billions of dollars being spent on wars against terror, our nation should follow President Obama’s example and serve as instruments of goodwill to Muslims throughout the world”:

“The media have plenty to say about Muslim women. But what makes the headlines isn’t the experience of the vast majority of Muslim women. And what rarely emerge are the voices of Muslim women themselves”:

Copts, are “fed up with promises, ….want action” …

… and have formed a political party that “will be conducted in the framework of citizenship. ‘We are Egyptians and our aims are to serve the nation’”:

“How will we beat him? With faith, this is the only way….”We don’t have guns, we don’t have much tools or anything, but we have faith”” — anti-Gaddafi rebel:

The “years-old dispute over the government’s ban on the use of the word “Allah” as a translation for God in Malay-language Bibles and religious texts”:

“The enforcement of a compulsory Islamic dress code on women in Chechnya violates their rights to private life, personal autonomy, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion, thought, and conscience,”








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