News and Analysis (10/16/07)

Verizon, believing its role is not to “second-guess the legitimacy of emergency government requests” disclosed its collusion with Big Brother in a letter to congressional investigators saying that it provided telephone and Internet user data on an emergency basis without court orders 720 times:

Seeking to head off a major political crisis, Sudanese president Omar Al-Bashir meets with Southern leaders after withdrawing their ministers from the national unity government:

“The shift is not so much that American officials no longer mention human rights and democracy; it is more that they do not follow up to ensure results. Instead, there seems to be a tacit understanding whereby Washington criticizes Egypt’s human rights failings, Egypt takes umbrage at the “interference” in domestic affairs and little changes.”—Michael Slackman, New York Times reporter

Citing historical examples of the US Civil War, cold war diplomatic engagement with the USSR and the Soviet’s failed invasion of Afghanistan, a former international CNN correspondent argues America will dig itself deeper into a ditch by attacking Iran and launching its third war, while on a visit to Iran, Russian president Vladimir Putin strongly hints at the US not to attack Iran and Azerbaijan not give them the air bases to do so:

New York Times editorial sees the high enlistment bonuses and Marines’ planned shift to Afghanistan as more ominous signs of desperation in Iraq, while a senior State Department official publicly states corruption in Iraq is pervasive and hinders developing a stable democracy, but some Congressmen accuse the agency of masking the full depth of the problem by avoiding direct questions on the issue and classifying and heavily redacting relevant documents:

International maritime watchdog finds lawlessness on land in Somalia leads to criminality at sea, threatening trade-shipping routes in that region of the world:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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