News and Analysis (4/18/11)

A possible explanation for the unanticipated revolt in Syria:

“Yemeni security forces and plain-clothes gunmen opened fire on thousands of demonstrators marching through Sanaa Sunday night, leaving at least 15 wounded from live ammunition”:

As Libyan troops pound Misrata and the U.N. and Libya reach a deal on humanitarian aid, Gaddadfi’s son insists everything you know about the Libyan situation is wrong:

“The attack comes months before the start of a transfer of security responsibilities from foreign to Afghan forces, and after NATO-led troops claimed solid progress in efforts to bolster the numbers and quality of the Afghan police and army”:

“Tursunov, a devout Muslim, has said he would rather give up soccer than his beard”:

“President Alassane Ouattara himself has called for reconciliation”, but he “also has said he wants Gbagbo tried by national and international courts”:

The opposition alleges “massive rigging in” the southern areas and “that the computer software used to tally results had been tampered with in northern states to favor the ruling party”:


U.S. secretly backed Syrian opposition groups, cables released by WikiLeaks show






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