News and Analysis (2/21/08)

Islamic-oriented AKP leads parliamentary charges to undo a secular law violating religious minorities’ property rights:

Semi-independent Saudi press and UN agency slam latest abuse of the religious police for arresting a woman due to “‘sitting with a man who is not a relative and exchanging words and laughter with him’”:

Mubarak cracks down on the Brotherhood ahead of local elections, arresting over 100:

Sadr uses the voluntary draw down time to purge his Mahdi military of “Iranian influences” and other reckless criminals:

Despite certain irregularities that election observers say may have skewed election results more in favor of Musharraf, Pakistan opposition leaders begin talks over impeachment and restoring judicial independence:

Muslim Student Associations across the country differ on how and who to include in their college chapters:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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