News and Analysis (3/15-16/08)

Islamic Law analyst Noah Feldman gives an overview of Shari’a and its potential mix with democracy:

Despite having an electoral mandate of the Palestinian people, and 64 percent of the Israeli public and a former Mossad head in favor direct talks, the US and Israeli government continue to snub Hamas:

Fueled by a black market of siphoned oil profits, lack of economic opportunity under the occupation, not ideology drives the insurgency:

PM Erdogan slams anti-democratic move by secular fundamentalists to shut down the AK party:

Major Wahhabi religious figure declares takfir on two writers, who, supported by mainstream scholars, argued that Islam allows Muslims to leave their faith without fear of capital punishment:

As Washington Post editorial asks whether Musharraf will allow the new democratic majority to go ahead with its reform program, the US has increasingly silenced its support for the embattled dictator-in-chief:

Arrested at a brothel, Iran’s iron enforcer of state morality gets caught in a major act of personal hypocrisy:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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