News and Analysis (5/9/08)

Lebanon once more teeters on the brink of a civil war as Hezbollah takes over pro-government sections of West Beirut:

More Islamophobia at play in the US presidential elections:

Despite the initial waves made from the NY Times story about deliberate Iraq war disinformation, media outlets largely ignore it:

Pakistan voices strong opposition to Gen. Jay Hood, former head of Guantanamo Bay prison, being top US military envoy to Islamabad…

…meanwhile, contradictory deals among various factions, with Asif Zardari at the center, led to general agreement of judge restoration, but not on their powers:

Saudi female b-ball players hit the court despite the cultural restrictions thrown at them:

Maryland court rules that Islamic procedures for divorce are not legally valid in the US because they lack “due process”:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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