News and Analysis (5/13/08)

Police crackdown on terrorist organization reveals thwarts a plot by “deep state” extremists “of creating an atmosphere of chaos and laying the groundwork for a coup by Turkey’s army”:

Nawaz Sharif’s supporters withdraw from the fledging coalition government due to persistent disagreements over restoring deposed judges:

Analysts say arrests like Hasan Turabi’s, following the recent attack on Khartoum are likely to be the norm until at least next year’s elections:

Egypt’s noose around cyber dissent tightens as it blocks access to opposition movement Kifaya’s website:

Moderate Mauritanian Islamists form a small part of the democratically elected government for the first time:

What’s Islamic about “Islamic terrorism?” House Republicans fail in attempt to suppress U.S. National Counter-Terrorism Center’s guidelines against abusing religious terminology in labeling  terrorists:

Fashion students use their creative skills to make abayas stylish while still modest:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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