News and Analysis (5/22/08)

A NY Times editorial demands a full congressional inquiry over why the concerns from FBI agents and career DoJ officials about torture did not register with the White House…

…just as former detainee Mura Kurnaz tells of his prolonged torture detention at Gitmo, even after being cleared by interrogators:

The Bush administration’s hamfisted occupation of Iraq leads to another 8 Iraqi civilian deaths…

…meanwhile Iraq theater commander Gen. Petraeus urges a diplomatic solution to Iran before taking over US Central Command…

…and Gareth Porter questions the Iranian-arms rationale for war by reviewing the (lack of) evidence:

Both Pakistan and Israel ignore the Bush administration’s militant policy advice, choosing negotiations with adversaries instead:

US military assassination of a Somali militant leads to more, not less violence:


Alejandro Beutel is program assistant for the Minaret of Freedom Institute with expertise in religious freedom, democratization and security issues.






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