News and Analysis Updates (9/12/06)

Rebiya Kadeer: Muslim, Uighur, female, activist, businesswoman, and now Nobel Prize nominee

A diverse group steps out to defend the nomination of Maher Hathout, chairman of the Islamic Center of Southern California, against opposition by the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles

Robert Pape explains: “Suicide terrorism is mainly a response to foreign occupation rather than a product of Islamic fundamentalism.”

Muslim man killed in his business: was it a hate-crime?

Intimidated by the Union of Islamic Courts, a private radio station temporarily shuts down and now is re-opened but not playing music

Lebanese protest Blair’s visit:

Despite accusations from the US that Syria supports terrorism, Syrian forces foil bombing of US embassy:

Who is really corrupting Islamic law? Pakistani Islamic parties still can’t tell the difference between rape and adultery, but women will soon have a choice:





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