News and Analysis (9/6-7/08)

Iran looks “to maintain and upgrade the combat readiness” in the face of speculation of American and/or Israeli attacks …

… but, “[u]nder fire at home … over his government’s failure to rein in steadily climbing inflation,” Ahmadinijad may have a different sort of fight on his hands:

Hopes springs up with Gul’s unprecedentend visit to Armenia:

Sunni and Shi`a militia’s profess “total agreement” to “end all visible armed presence in Tripoli and to hand its security to the Lebanese army:”

“No-fly” days are over, but the re-establishment of the air force takes a back seat to fighting the resistance:

With Palestinians forced to rely on smugglers to provide them with necessities,

“Zardari’s first test is that as president he facilitates the transfer of Musharraf’s powers to parliament”–Ahsan Iqbal, former minister and senior opposition figure:

Commentator Sheldon Richman exposes the fallacies in neocon efforts to justify American policy with bin Ladin-style reasoning:






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