News and Analysis (12/28/19)

As the European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran remain uncommitted, the EU Commission Chief said rescuing the nuclear deal with Iran is getting harder:

Deputy minister of Iran Industry, Khiabani, uncovers Iran’s export worth of 32.5 billion in2019 and stresses that removing obstacles to exports are among the government’s priorities…

… And Iran Transport Minister, Mohammad Eslami, was quoted in a local press that Iran has made a deal to receive three Airbus planes…

… Also, Russia defies US pressure to extend the 5 years Iran arms embargo of 2015 as it plans for multibillion-dollar deal:

India former Union Minister, P Chidambaram, speaks against the citizen ship Amendment Act (CAA) at the Maha Rally; criticizing the conflicting statement of the National Register of citizens aims to divide india based on religion:

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution calling Myanmar to stop institutionalized discrimination and human right abuses against Rohingya:

Pasco County lawyer, Donald McBath, who posted disparaging comments about Muslims and LGBT, disciplined:






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